PART #: 55404 APPROX DIMENSIONS: 4" x 4" MATERIAL: Kit Contains: 5 Gram PETG Clear Jar (#7090000) and White Lined Cap (#7090302); 10 Gram PETG Clear Jar (#7090100) and Lined White Cap (#7090502); 6ml Natural Cylinder Bottle with White Cap (#78200); White 18mm Funnel (#90056); 1.7ml Tapered Tip Transfer Pipet (#90003); 2ml Natural Spray Pump with Cap (#79011); Small Spade White Spatula (#80801). PACKED: 1 Kit Per Bag MINIMUM: 1 Kit
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5 Gram PETG Clear Jar Base 7090000
10 Gram PETG Clear Jar Base 7090100
5 Gram Lined White Cap for PETG Jar 7090302
10 Gram Lined White Cap for PETG Jar 7090502
6 ml Natural Cylinder Bottle with White Flat Cap 78200
2ml Natural Spray Pump with Cap 79011
Small Spade PS Spatula, White 80801
1.7 ml Tapered Tip Transfer Pipet 90003
White Funnel, 18mm 90056